Home > Artworks > Reinaldo (Rama) Bares Valdes

Photo of Reinaldo (Rama) Bares Valdes Costa Rica

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Personal Information Name: Reinaldo Bares Valdes Country: Panama Age: 53 years Education ? 1997 Institute of Art and Culture City of Panama. ? 1997 National University of Panama. ? Since 1977 is an active student of Philosophy, specializing to date on Vedic Philosophy. Completion of studies.

Exhibitions: 2010 Art Fair Avenue escazu December 8 to December 12.

2010 Cultural Institute of Mexico in Costa...

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Personal Information Name: Reinaldo Bares Valdes Country: Panama Age: 53 years Education ? 1997 Institute of Art and Culture City of Panama. ? 1997 National University of Panama. ? Since 1977 is an active student of Philosophy, specializing to date on Vedic Philosophy. Completion of studies.

Exhibitions: 2010 Art Fair Avenue escazu December 8 to December 12.

2010 Cultural Institute of Mexico in Costa Rica from 19 to 30 July

2010 Exhibitions of the Arts in terramol 21 to May 30

2009 "Encounters", Asep Salvadoran Association

Professionals and Entrepreneurs of the Savior.


2009 "Erotic Art", Group exhibition Gallery

Medrano. San Jose. C R.

2009 Exhibition Fusion. Hotel Barceló Palma Real.

Costa Rica.

2005 (CNFL) Compañía Nacional de Fuerza y Luz. San Jose

Costa Rica

2005 (ICE) Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad. San

José Costa Rica

Bibliotek Akesrsberga 2005. Stockholm, Sweden.

2004 (ICE Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad. San

José Costa Rica

Comprehensive Dental Clinic 2004 San José Costa Rica

2003 Medical College of Costa Rica. San José Costa


Lincoln College 2003. San Jose, Costa Rica.

2002 (FANAL) National Cultural Center. San José Costa


2002 ICE Instituto Costarricense de

Electricity. San Jose Costa Rica

2001 Gallery Meri Palma. Group exhibition. IFHARV.


2000 "Youth and the child." Ministry of Women.


1999 Library of the University of Panama.

Virtual Gallery balarama.artelista.com Phone (506) 88572291

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